The occasion for the video Following on from the LinkedIn video series, Richard Chambers – Global President and CEO of the Institute of Internal Auditors asked Tom and Todd to share their thoughts as part of the launch of IIA’s new flagship Insights and Advice video series. The topic was How internal audit adds value […]
Category: Video archive: Fit for purpose governance, risk and assurance that absolutely delivers
Video archives from Todd Davies & Associates- governance, risk and assurance that absolutely delivers.
Daily Broadcast: Mission complete
In February 2020 the world was at a tipping point. CoVID was becoming widespread things looked grim. It had the early signs of one of those zombie apocalypse movies where everyone strips the stores of toilet paper. You might remember the scenes when everyone was starting to lose their minds and there was the start […]
Video series: Risk and governance implications of COVID – final tranche
In each brief video we unpack 3-5 key issues and give 2-3 take aways to help you get clarity and take action during COVID.
Video series: Risk and governance implications of COVID and beyond w/e 10 April 2020
In each brief video we unpack 3-5 key issues and give 2-3 take aways to help you get clarity and take action during COVID.
Video series: Risk and governance implications of COVID and beyond w/e 3 April 2020
Each video is around 4 minutes long and unpacks 3-5 key issues + provides 2-3 take aways to help you get clarity and take action.
Video series: Risk and governance implications of COVID and beyond
Different times require a different response. This daily video series provides 3-5 key actionable things that leaders can do during a period of massive disruption.
Video series: Risk and governance implications of COVID and beyond
Different times require a different response. This daily video series provides 3-5 key actionable things that leaders can do during a period of massive disruption.
Video series: Risk and governance implications of COVID and beyond | Launch video
Different times require a different response. This daily video series provides 3-5 key actionable things that leaders can do during a period of massive disruption.
Our take on the recent changes to the IIA Standards (free white paper)
Video: What you need to know about the changes in 90 seconds.This month the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) released their latest revisions to their global standards. These standards come into effect from 1 January 2013. Much has been written about these changes, making it difficult to determine what’s really important, if anything. At first […]