Can you understand an entire body of work from reading the glossary? Maybe. Here’s the first in a series of first impressions on the Global Internal Audit Standards.
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The Davies Report Archives
Why everyone needs a Nigel Godrich in their life
The Beatles had George Martin. Beck and Radiohead had Nigel Godrich. Who have you got helping you?
Sleepwalking into structural decline
Change is rarely linear. Small changes can add up to massive achievements or strategic risk and structural decline. All leaders need to take a longer term view. Here’s how.
Australian Government Climate Risk Assessment
Envisaging the first, second and third order impacts of climate change requires a lot of thought. The Australian Government’s new climate risk assessment is a great starting point.
What does your risk function need to be great at – the results
Designing the right portfolio, position description and search brief for the Chief Risk Officer is an evolving task. We decided to tackle this systematically. Here’s what we found.
Setting your risk function up for success
Chief Risk Officer role function and portfolio design are highly specialised and evolving. Priorities and focus need to match to what the organisation needs. Here’s how we tackled this.
Seasons Greetings and 2023 wrap
A quick note from me after another very full year. The year TDA went global For years I’ve made the case for accessing the best talent in the world, and not just in the city in which people are based. This was a call to arms meant for others, but in 2023 people took me […]
Thought Leaders vs Influencers
There are a lot of new thought leaders around. How to you spot a genuine one, and what is the difference betwene the new crowd and the ones that have been at it for the past few decades.
What is the difference between coaching and consulting
Coaching, mentoring, advisory and sponsorship are all different things. This is how we think about it.
Our Submission to the IIA Standards Board
IIA ran an unusual process of making all submissions private and not available to the public. A number of thought leaders have made their views public. We’ll be running a ruler over their response in due course. Here’s our submission in full. Dear Team IIA Exposure Draft Submission IIA ran an unusual process of making […]