Audit and risk transformation since 2007
Todd Davies and Associates helps organisations to get their risk and assurance activities humming. We help leaders to get greater clarity on what’s required and help them to diagnose, set direction and build capability.
For us this means the forward program is targeted, relevant, efficient and effective. It also means the team delivering the work is up to the challenges that the organisation and its stakeholders are facing.
When to use us
People hire us when they have one of the following problems:
- The audit and risk product isn’t hitting expectations
- The board or audit and risk committee dynamics are not where they need to be
- They want to know where they’re at
- They want to solve a delivery or capability problem
- They want to build capability, including leadership
- They want clarity on what to do and if investment is required
- They want a conflict-free diagnostic, intervention or support to solve a delivery problem.
Leading organisations also use us to clarify their thinking and tap into comparative practice to stay ahead of the curve.
Also consider using us for thinking and change support that can’t readily be delegated or outsourced. Most often that’s where we fit.
How we work
TDA helps those charged with leadership of these areas to sharpen their focus, build capability and clear obstacles.
We normally work through bite size diagnostics, projects, interventions and support. This drives cost-effective investments for high payoff and makes sure that budget isn’t an obstacle to getting a result.
We typically do this by working with the leaders of the various streams to help achieve clarity and uplift, and to make those changes stick. Where help is required at the apex of the organisation, including the board we help with that too.
Our typical pathway starts with a diagnostic to set priorities, a bite size project to solve a problem or work out the best way to do so.
Once projects are completed then we provide support as required. This may take the form of a plan, small project or a role as sounding board, executive coach or mentor.
Conflict free support
Todd Davies & Associates was the first niche business in Australia exclusively focused on building world class capability in risk and assurance.
We have an agile business model which brings the right expertise to bear or makes relevant introductions when required.
Our focus is capability and change. We are not vendor aligned and have no interest in generating commissions or selling big projects. This means our clients and their organisations come first every time and that we’re aligned with their success.
World leading expertise, best practice knowledge and relentless pragmatism
World leading expertise.
Todd Davies is respected internationally for his expertise in audit and risk best practice.
Todd was formerly global head of product development for KPMG’s internal audit practice.
Todd works with major professional bodies and standard setters as acts as an expert advisor to standard setters governments and regulators around Australia and abroad.
He also acts as a presenter and trainer and developer of guidance including for the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Institute of Internal Auditors, Governance Institute of Australia, ASX Corporate Governance Council, The International Corporate Governance Network.
Todd has been recognised globally by the Institute of Internal Auditors (Top 10 global thought leaders) and the Directors and Chief Risk Officers Group global exemplars in their top global leaders lists. He is the only Australian to be recognised on those lists.
Through this TDA is always across latest standards including likely emerging standards and regulation to make sure that implementation matches not only the letter of the law, but the underlying intent.
We know what good looks like.
Since 2007 TDA has helped clients to define and implement best practices and achieve step change in what they do.
In any given year we work with 10-20 different organisations ranging from Australia’s best known companies and brands through to small not for profits.
Our work ranges from interventions and board support with small clients with constrained budgets through to transformation support and acting as a sounding board to the chief auditors and chief risk officers of Australia’s best known companies and brands. Here’s a small snippet of who we work with.
We know what will work in your context.
Risk lessons are portable, templates less size. One size does not fit all. What works must be tailored and integrated into your context.
We have more than 7,000 precedent documents and templates in our library, of which four might be relevant for your context. Which four is different every time as well as how they’re applied. It is all contextual.
Like the expert mechanic, our greatest source of value is on knowing what’s required and what to pull from our kitbag to make things hum. And if customisation is required (and it usually is) we know exactly what’s required and how to do it. It’s what we do.
The Audit and Risk Committee perspective
Todd also chairs audit and risk committees of high profile complex organisations. He knows how committees work, what they need and is a very close student of their dynamics and how to make them work.
We work from the perspective of the audit and risk committee chair to make sure that the committee’s work program and the work that supports it hits the mark. We also coach executives on how to support these groups and to tune their program, delivery and communications to set up every meeting for success.
This unique combination allows us to have a great feel for where things are going and a deep understanding that can only come after being in those roles. This allows us to cut through the noise to focus on the things that really matter and will make a difference.
We are a high commitment organisation and only take on clients and engagements where a NPS score of 8 or higher is attainable.
Don’t take our word for it. Have a look through our client testimonials to read some incredible comments about our work from people we respect greatly.
Get to know us better – The exclusive newsletter that leaders read
The Davies Report gives a window into our latest thinking and practice. It comes out around 4-6 times a year and summaries what we’re up to, what we’re seeing in the market and thoughts and provocations on what’s possible and what’s required in the near term.
It’s our free offer and very well received by regulators and risk and assurance leaders. Places are limited to 1,000 free subscribers. You can subscribe and get the latest edition here.
Book a call with Todd
Our typical entry point with a new client is to define or solve a problem. This can range from “Why is this not working?” through to “What does great look like?” We relish these sort of questions as it helps to get to the crux of what matters.
The first step starts with a 25 minute phone or video call with Todd. You can book one using the booking system below.
Alternatively drop us and email first here and let us know what’s on your mind and how you think we can help.