As part of our mission to lift the standard of risk and assurance. We do this through working with our clients to innovate and share what they’re doing. We also occasionally make new resources available to our clients and subscribers.
The Davies Report and newsfeeds
The Davies Report is our free newsletter for leader, aspiring leaders and standard setters in internal audit, risk & assurance as well as those responsible for oversight of those functions.
To sign up for free updates and will send you the regular thought pieces and case studies. (Your email address will be used for this purpose only). Subscribe to receive The Davies Report via email.
See some of our latest posts below.
LinkedIn Twitter (Now X)
Some ideas are instantaneous, immediate, and worth getting out to the world. For unfiltered stream of thought-consciousness from Todd including links to things, we’ve found interesting in governance, risk and assurance space you can follow Todd at @todddavies.
For updates from Todd that are faster than the Davies Report and more synthesised – follow Todd on LinkedIn.
White papers
Some issues need to be explored in depth.
Todd Davies & Associates publish white papers in areas where we believe there is confusion in the market, or where we have expertise which we want to share for the benefit of our subscribers.
White Papers are currently free but require registration.
Presentations and webinars
Todd Davies is a regular speaker, panelist and panel chairman in the fields of business, risk and internal audit.
Go to this section for a list of his upcoming public speaking engagements, and to download some of our previous presentations (presentations are free, but require registration).