As many are shifting into remote working we thought it timely to give you an update on how we can help.
We have been running distributed teams since inception in 2007 and shifted into remote service and support as our preferred delivery mode during our launch of Project Emu in 2012 (covering more ground with less flying).
Like most businesses we’ve been updating, testing and hardening our remote support facilities in the past few days.
In the past week we’ve added and scaled up our options for a rich remote experience.
- We can meet with you via Zoom, Skype and Google Meets in teams up to 100 people. If you want to connect to your in-house VC we can do that too.
- You can book Todd directly for a call or consult via Calendly without having to call our office.
- Other remote collaboration tools including Asana, Dropbox, OneDrive suite, and a range of cloud tools in whatever format makes most sense to you.
All are supported by tier 1 connectivity and extra latency to keep us up and running during the likely surge in bandwidth in the coming days and weeks.
From Monday we will be publishing daily video updates on LinkedIn on governance and risk issues related to COVID19 and 2nd and 3rd order effects.
We are also standing up and reactivating a number of additional services in the next 48 hours and will keep you posted on those as they go live.
Remote working is second nature for us, but it may be a steep learning curve for some. Rest assured, the tech works and is very affordable (in most cases free for our customers). The first time you use it can feel a bit intimidating, but we can guide you through.
In short if you have smart phone, tablet or laptop with a half-reasonable wifi connection we can support you remotely in a very comprehensive way that’s very close to a face to face meeting.
And if you’d like to keep it simple, an old fashioned chat by phone is a great way to stay in touch.
If you need us, we’re here to help.
Todd Davies and the TDA team